Sunday, October 17, 2010

i'd really like to live in some desolate place.
no other houses for miles, dirt roads, wild streams, raging storms and aged trees that creek when the wind blows.
the only people that come to visit would end up staying for a couple of days because the drive is so far.
other than that, just reside by myself for the most part.
go into town once a month to get a vast amount of groceries to last me until the next.
send letters often and read and watch movies incessantly.
bake all sorts of pies with berries from my garden and make eggplant lasagna.
burn incense and tons of candles.
always have the windows open. with heavy heavy heavy off-white lace curtains. so it doesn't let much light in, but glows in a radiant golden hue. the light would always be low and dim. except in the mornings--i would open the curtains in the mornings.
quartz hanging in all the windows and a chandelier, splattering rainbows.
incomprehensible night skies and a rich blinding moon.
light the fire and climb into bed with my record player turning and eleven cats purring on my belly.


Anonymous said...

i also want to live that way. sigh*

zoe noelle smith said...

oh, the anonymous commenter.
the mystery that devours me.

do i know you, perhaps?
if not, let's be friends.


annaleehodges said...
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Anonymous said...

you do and we are.

zoe noelle smith said...

is there a reason as to why you are remaining anonymous?

annaleehodges said...

You have almost described the exact same house my parents own (where I grew up). The house came with thick heavy olive and cream colored drapes that hung over the floor to ceiling windows. The closest grocery store was almost 20 miles away. Dirt roads that go for miles and miles. Vacant large almost terrifying farm houses in the middle of nowhere. (Where I took a few of my Flickr photos)As well as rolling hillsides that somewhat resemble Northern England. I miss home. Your post really took me back.

zoe noelle smith said...

you should take me back with you.
sounds perfect right about now.


annaleehodges said...

It is absolutely perfect there this time of year. My mother has an old porch swing attached to a tree out back that is perfect for star gazing. (I absolutely know she is where I got my obsession for the cosmos and everything E.A. Poe.)There are countless old cemeteries down those dirt roads as well (dating back to the late 1800s). My mother and I use to do tombstone rubbing there. I think that is one thing she has planned for us to do for my visit next month. You are welcome to come along on a very long road trip.

zoe noelle smith said...

oh man..
just let me know when, and if i can somehow manage to break free from this current life--i'd certainly be down.

Anonymous said...

yes, because I stalk your blog way too much and if I revealed myself, you would probably find it weird.

zoe noelle smith said...

hahaha, well, that's quite endearing.

(i still want to know...)

annaleehodges said...
