Thursday, August 26, 2010

i'm. going. to. die.
this year is looking pretty brutal.

my schedule, you ask?
monday: school 8:00am-5:00pm

tuesday: school 8:00am-11:00pm (5-11 i'll be working as a photo lab monitor, which means i probably won't actually leave or get home until 12am-ish.)

wednesday: school 8:00am-5:00pm

thursday: school 8:00am-uncertain..hopefully 3pm.

friday: work 10:00am-7:00pm

saturday: work 9:15am-6:00pm

sunday: homework 12:00am-12:00pm

and i even am, for some absurd reason, considering applying for an internship for gulf coast. i'll have no time, but i desperately wish i could. my english professor last year wanted me to, and i just received an email from my poetry prof this semester who inquired about interest in the position.
i'm actually pretty certain i'm going to apply. uuuuuuuugghhhhhhh.

considering my schedule for last year/this summer/and this current one,
i don't know how i'm still alive, honestly.
i really don't.


Anonymous said...

dear god after reading that my workload seems so pathetic. good luck for this semester and try not to die-contrary to what you said

Anonymous said...

our english prof was a douchebag flirt.

zoe noelle smith said...

anonymous #1: ha, thanks, i'll attempt to do so. i wish you luck in your endeavours, as well.

anonoymous #2: hm, who from my english class reads my blog?