Thursday, January 09, 2014

She has a cold. And I get sad so easily. She comes home exhausted and with too many pressures that I wish so badly I had a pause button. She can't think, so we walk through the Seattle drizzle to get a large bowl of veggie Pho on Broadway, then to the store for Rum. We start to watch something funny, but She's too exhausted. She asks me if She can take the Tylenol Cold & Flu medicine we bought, but I say no since we had a couple drinks. And feel really bad. I hate not having control in situations like this. It's so hard not being able to make her better. She turned over to sleep. And I get sad because it's still early and I missed Her all day, but I know she needs it. I'm quiet a minute or two before I hear Her breaths slowly deepening. I kiss Her neck, then write this.

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