Monday, December 20, 2010

haven't ceased shakin'

get this:
late tonight/early tomorrow morning there is going to be a lunar eclipse.
this, and the full moon, just so happen to coincide with the winter solstice (extremely rare occurrence!)
additionally, there may also be a meteor shower during the eclipse.

and hoping the clouds clear.


Anonymous said...

How clear was your view?

iz said...

I waited. And then right at 12:30 the clouds got in the way. boooo

zoe noelle smith said...

anon: my view was completely obstructed by sheets of clouds. but for split seconds, on rare occasions, i'd catch a clear glimpse. i managed to see it all (in parcels, of course). taunting and spellbinding.

iz: bummer! you should've stayed out. the eclipse lasts for 72min in all. viewing took patience with all the clouds. just gotta tough it out.