Saturday, October 23, 2010

in desperate need of a thunderstorm.

i didn't get home until around 2:10 a.m. last night.
that's after working all day at my job, and then going to the lab.
the fine arts building's water is going to be conveniently cut off all day sunday.
a.k.a. the only day out of the entire week that i'm able to go up there. figures.
i've unfortunately grown used to these things happening. at least the moon was full.
so i'm now having to go after i get off my draining job and proceed to work in almost complete darkness for the entirety of the night.
go home, shower, get about two hours of sleep, and get up to go to work all day, then leave for the lab again until the morning.

i'm seriously considering taking a semester off.
every single person i speak with re-informs me that i'm quite insane.
but if i do that--everything else would be screwed up since i'm about to go up for block and all.

conflicted and energy deplete.
here commences another dismal day....


Anonymous said...

maybe this will lift your spirits

Anonymous said...

like seriously, how do you do it??

zoe noelle smith said...

anon #1: haha! zora (my cat)sometimes gets in these absurd episodes in the middle of the night and does just that.

anon #2: i honestly have no earthly idea as to how. i really don't...